Who's Writing This Guff?


My name is Matt.


I'm settling into my fourth decade on our spinning rock of chaos and I appear to be hitting a somewhat stagnant patch. A mid-life crisis? Perhaps but I'm never entirely sure what that actually entails. But I've always been a bit of a jumbled human - no one passion, mixed interests, knowing a little about a lot but never enough to be an expert in anything really. 


I tend to find that, occasionally, people will hang on to my every word, and then others will have no attention towards me and will actively switch off as soon as I formulate any sort of noise. But I suppose that's just how personalities mingle together. 


I'm neither a follower or a leader - I can have strong opinions on a range of things or just as easy let others get on with showing us the way and then pick holes in it, just like humans love to do. 


I run a small business (a local, reasonably popular driving school) and have interests in trying to make a few quid but also like to go about things at my own pace, not to be rushed and to create plenty of opportunities for 'nothing' time.


Paradoxically maybe the two can't really live in harmony. 


I like and follow quite a bit of  sport - darts, football, athletics and boxing probably the main ones. I also play darts nowadays too, being too unfit and bodily bulbous to entertain the others anymore. 


I read much more than before and apparently write now. I wonder if I've always had the desire to express my thoughts via the written word and the door was never ajar. Again another one of my 'mini-interests' rather than a passion. But I'm pleased I'm trying.


It'll probably fade and slither away to disintegrate to deathly dust in an abandoned corner of my mental interest dungeon.  BUT  it may also hang around like a withering delusional 'Stones groupie mouthing along to Jagger's facial crinkles. 


Oh, and wandering off on tangents tend to plague me. 


I like a bit of rock and heavy metal. I sometimes fail to understand people's fascination with new things that will 'change the way we think about it forever'. 'It's new so it must be better'. Yes, of course, that's often the case but not always.  Folks are brainwashed so easily.


On Earth, we now have a fridge that has an screen slapped on the front that displays what its contents are. Here's a radical idea, and stay with me on this: OPEN IT YOU MORONS!


I'm always a sucker for a bad horror film and wasted many an hour rotting my brain with awful tripe. 


I'm probably going to write a bit (it'll come and go no doubt) and I do like to raise a smile or two if possible but that's up to the readers, but hopefully all 8 of them will be mildly entertained while they wait for the kettle to boil (some of us filthy peasants without a Quooker tap still live in the diseased dark ages). There may well be some grammatical gremlins but I can live with that if you can. 


I'm from the country and continue to live near Brigg, N Lincs with my partner and  my cat (not the same living being). 


I hope you enjoy some of my nonsense as much as I like generating it.